About the Club

Objectives - History  -  Acknowledgement  -  Meetings  -  Help Needed  -  Contacting cvScc  -  Membership


Club’s Objectives

Clarence Valley Seniors Computer Club (CVSCC)

Acknowledges the sponsorship of Maclean Rotary by providing computer systems and initial funds to form a Steering Committee.

Acknowledges the valued assistance given by the Clarence Valley Council by providing quality facilities for the Club’s Computer Activities.

Acknowledges the input of the many volunteers that organise and manage the operation of the Club.

The aim of the CVSCC is to create an environment that will encourage senior members of the community to share information so as they may acquire knowledge and skills in the use of computers for recreation activities and enabling communications for Social and family purposes.

  • Promote the use of computers for Seniors

  • Encourage Seniors to communicate via computers

  • Encourage Seniors to create recreation activities using computers

  • Acquire accommodation and equipment suitable for Training, meeting and social

  • Assist in the Training of Seniors in the use of computers.

  • Assist in the Training of Seniors in the use of Tablets, Smart phones, Androids, Ipads

  • Assist in providing social interaction for membership.

  • Cooperate with similar Clubs within Australia.


Early in 2005 the Rotary Club of Maclean called a meeting of seniors to gauge support for the proposed formation of a Seniors Computer Club. Some 26 seniors attended and after presentations by John Wells from Rotary, a Steering Committee was established. This new committee was to be sponsored by Rotary Club of Maclean.

Australian Seniors Computing Clubs Association (ASCCA) gave valuable advice on the need to apply for Incorporation and to register a name for the club. This action resulted in Clarence Valley Senior Computer Club (CVSCC) and incorporation being granted. The Rotary Club of Maclean negotiated with Clarence Valley Council for the provision of several computers that were surplus to their requirements. The CVSCC after several failed negotiations finally obtained the use of the Showground Pavilion and set rental and conditions of use.

The Showground soon become an unsuitable site due to conflict with other users and a search resumed for a more suitable location. By chance the club was offered a room at the old Council Chambers and this was quickly taken up with a new rental agreement drawn up.

After an uncertain beginning CVSCC moved into the Council rooms and enjoy a modern training facility and excellent cooperation with the Council.

The club has now moved a few doors up the road into different Council owned rooms and is happy there and operating comfortably.

The Club gives credit to Clarence Valley Council for their ongoing support and Rotary Club of Maclean for initially promoting the need to establish a facility for seniors within the Valley. We are now a able to run the Club with a dedicated Committee and thank the members for their ongoing support.



Clarence Valley Seniors Computer Club ( cvScc ) acknowledges the valued assistance given by the Clarence Valley Council by providing quality facilities for the Club's Computer activities.



Management Committee meetings are held on the second Thursday of the month at 3pm.

Mniutes of previous meetings here


Help Needed

The club is always looking for Volunteer Instructors to relieve the workload of current Volunteer Instructors who are often conducting multiple classes a week.

A Volunteer Instructor who does not meet membership criteria (i.e. not old enough for membership) can be made an Honorary member.

A Volunteer Instructor in our organization does not require certification. They merely have to be computer literate and feel confident they are capable of passing on their skills to Club Members.

If you can help then please contact the club:  by phone 6645 4005


Contacting cvScc

Mail: PO Box 354 Maclean NSW 2463

Phone: 6645 4005

Email: cvsccmaclean@gmail.com